News & Events

4 Flu Symptoms That Require A Trip To The Doctor

Flu season is upon us again, and it can be difficult for parents to decide if they should be overly worried. Although most healthy children will weather the disease fine without visiting their pediatrician, there are 4 flu symptoms that parents should watch for to tell them that something is seriously wrong. … Continue reading

8 Great Habits For Kids To Have Early In Life

Most parents are well aware that telling children what to do and how to act is far less effective than showing them what to do and how to act. Teaching children what is a good habit early in life works best when the habit or behavior is modeled by the parents themselves. … Continue reading

How To Manage Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of childhood and growing up, and it’s safe to say everyone experiences some level of anxiety through their lifetime. For a certain number of people, though, childhood anxiety may turn into teen and adult anxiety. In fact, … Continue reading

Are Ear Infections More Common In The Summer?

If it seems ear infections are more common in the summer, it’s because they actually do occur at bit more frequently.  This seems to be a result of the weather, including both humidity and heat, along with increased participation in water sports. … Continue reading

How Does Stress Affect Children?

Stress is a normal part of life, but how and if one learns to cope with it can affect children throughout their lives both physically and emotionally.
Children need a feeling of safety and security, but many of today’s parents are dealing with their own stressors and can easily overlook how stress may be affecting their children. … Continue reading