Holiday Hours
Can you believe we’re approaching the end of the year already? In November and December, our pediatric office will be closed on a few select days so that our staff can enjoy the holidays with family and friends. … Continue reading
Can you believe we’re approaching the end of the year already? In November and December, our pediatric office will be closed on a few select days so that our staff can enjoy the holidays with family and friends. … Continue reading
Parents often dream of having the perfect family with sweet and respectful children who always love one another. Then you wake up to the yelling, fighting, and name calling from your own children and realize it may have really just been a dream. … Continue reading
With all the trials and tribulations of a growing family, managing eczema in children is not a welcome addition. Children with eczema present a whole new litany of challenges beyond the normal ones.
If you are a newcomer to this challenge, … Continue reading
As adults we find it pretty difficult to talk about weight loss with a best friend or close relative. Should you say something to encourage them to drop a few pounds, or should you say nothing? How exactly can you help, … Continue reading
Kids First Pediatrics of Raeford & Fayettville will be closing at noon today, September 5, and all day tomorrow, September 6, due to the weather. All offices will resume normal business hours Monday September 9th. Please stay safe! … Continue reading
Remember the “terrible twos” and the frustrations that came with that period? If this is your first experience with a child going through puberty, get ready for the “terrible tweens.” … Continue reading
Your little one gets home from school and is scratching their head aggressively. Then you get the call that head lice is spreading…
It sounds like the beginning of a nightmare, but it’s very common! The most important part is understanding what you need to know to get through the next few weeks. … Continue reading
Some toddlers are the social butterflies of the group and always want to be in control, while others would prefer to play alone quietly and off in the corner. In some respects it’s not much different than a typical workplace or an adult party. … Continue reading
Most of us have seen a child in a grocery store throwing a temper tantrum or being downright obnoxious and unruly. Do we immediately blame the parents for allowing this to continue, or do we have sympathy for their situation? … Continue reading
There are many school age children who seem angry and moody, or who throw temper tantrums if they don’t get their way. … Continue reading